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“1941” 的搜索结果,共找到视频2个。
  • 小飞象
    小飞象 高清DVD 评分:6地区:美国  |  年代:1941 导演:宾·沙普斯坦|威尔弗雷德·杰克逊|塞缪尔·阿姆斯特朗|
    丹波(凯蒂·丽 配音)是马戏团的一只小象,因为样貌与众不同——它长着蓝色的眼睛和一双大的出奇的耳朵——而遭到大家的取笑。有一天,一个淘气的男孩子甚至作弄了丹波,象妈妈十分生气,就教训了他一顿,因此被马戏团老板关进了笼子。为了在马戏团立足,救出妈妈,丹波必须马上学会一门拿手绝活。四处学艺的它却又四处碰壁,心灰意冷之际全靠好朋友老鼠帝莫给了它鼓励和温暖。一次意外,丹波掉进了一个大酒桶内被灌得酩酊大醉,却因此意外发现了自己的拿手绝活。
  • 唐老鸭 1941
    唐老鸭 1941 标清 评分:4地区:美国  |  年代:1941 导演:Jack|King|
    Donald is listening to a radio cooking program and mixes up a batch of waffles, but he‘s distracted and uses rubber cement instead of baking powder. The batter proves to be unusually stiff... His spoon gets stuck, and the batter acts like a rubber-band airplane, flying the bowl around the room. Next, Donald gets his head stuck into the batter (and his tail in the waffle iron... Donald is listening to a radio cooking program and mixes up a batch of waffles, but he‘s distracted and uses rubber cement instead of baking powder. The batter proves to be unusually stiff... His spoon gets stuck, and the batter acts like a rubber-band airplane, flying the bowl around the room. Next, Donald gets his head stuck into the batter (and his tail in the waffle iron). He tries to chop it with an ax; the ax flies up and splits the room in half. He throws the bowl out the door; it sticks to the knob and finds its way back in.
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